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Alberta Youth Theatre Festival

#126, 8627 rue Marie-Anne-Gaboury, Edmonton, AB T6C 3N1
Phone : (780) 469-8400


Information request

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Information request

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You are

A teacher
A principal
An early childhood educator
A parent
A student


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Provincial (Nordegg)

School year/Age

Grades 7 to 12

Language level

French as a First Language
French immersion

School subject (primary)

Fine Arts

Links with the curriculum

Learning of theatre, from creation to production of a piece, including the technical aspect.


  • The plays presented are of the repertoire or collective creations. In the first case, you must submit a signed contract of the author, in the second case, it must be an original work. Plagiarism will be heavily penalized or even disqualified.
  • All actors must be students in grades 7 to 12 from the participating school. Technicians, designers and directors may be students or teachers.
  • 2 chaperones per school (man and woman)
  • Each group has 30 minutes for the set up and 10 minutes to pick up after their show.
  • Length of the plays:
    Grades 7 to 9 - 15 to 20 minutes
    Grades 10 to 12 - 20 to 30 minutes
  • The UniThéâtre provides basic equipment for sound and lighting.Each group is responsible for providing what is needed for decor, costumes, props and makeup. The Unithéâtre does not provide any of these.


April 19 to 22, 2018

Deadline for registrations: January 4, 2018

Register here!

Number of participants

9 to 10 groups are chosen per festival


4 days


Depending on the number of people involved per school.


Each year, Alberta youth gather in large numbers at the Goldeye Centre in Nordegg to celebrate their creations and theatrical talents at the Alberta Youth Theatre Festival. This four-day gathering provides an opportunity for young Francophones and Francophiles actors to work with professional artists in addition to offering them the opportunity to attend a dozen of plays created by their peers.

There is also prizes given out by the jury: 

- Best Writing
- Best actor and best actress
- Best Production
- Jury Award
- Best scenography
- Best Costume and Makeup
- Best Technician 

All participants will a certificate of participation .


