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Centre préscolaire et parascolaire Les petits pieds inc.

Centre préscolaire et parascolaire Les petits pieds inc.
1165 Ravenswood Dr SE, Airdrie, AB, Canada, Alberta
Phone : 587-227-2439


Information request

* This form is intended to contact the service provider of this profile. If you need help finding resources and activities or you wish to obtain general information, please contact ACCENT instead.

Information request

Your name *

You are

A teacher
A principal
An early childhood educator
A parent
A student


Message *


When submitting this form, you are sending a message directly to the service provider about his profile. Therefore, the information provided is complete and will allow the service provider to understand your request.

submit the form


Calgary and area (Airdrie)

School year/Age

Preschool (3-5 years old)

Language level

French as a First Language
French immersion
French as a Second Language

School subject (primary)


School subject (secondary)


Links with the curriculum

By choosing the Centre préscolaire et parascolaire Les petits pieds inc., the child will learn to play, sing and express himself in French during the key years of his intellectual and social awakening and of his linguistic and cultural development. In this way, the child establishes links between his or her family and educational environment in French, builds friendships with French-speaking peers and meets other families. They learn to be proud of their language and culture and develop a sense of belonging to the French-speaking world, in addition to being better prepared to enter kindergarten in French.

For the child, it is learning to live in society. They become more independent. The center is also a springboard that facilitates the transition to kindergarten in French.


The price varies depending on the program of choice



Daycare - 5 days

  • Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Preschool - 5 days

  • Monday to Friday
  • Morning group: 9 a.m. to noon
  • Afternoon group: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.


