Bar U Ranch National Historic Site
Longview, AB T0L 1H0
Téléphone : (403) 395-2212
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Sud (Longview)
Kindergarten to Grade 9
Français langue première
Immersion française
Études sociales
Études sociales
Études autochtones
Santé et préparation pour la vie
School programs offered at Bar U Ranch address a full range of educational themes focusing on historical, cultural, social, political, environmental and economic issues.
Alberta Education Program Themes: Culture and Community, The Earth: Places and People, Economy and Resources, Global Relations, Time, Continuity and Change, Power, Authority and Decision Making.
Themes addressed at the Bar U ranch: Social and community life, Sustainable lifestyles, Resource management, World history, Western settlement, Canadian history.
Adult chaperones, teachers and assistants must attend. Preferably 1 adult for 6 students. Adult chaperones, teachers and assistants are free.
School programs are offered Monday through Friday, from mid May to end of September.
30 students maximum
Morning (10:00 am -12: 00noon)
$ 7.30 per student; 1 teacher or guide for 6 students; free. All rates include GST.
Price subject to change
The Bar U Ranch offers students activities based on the educational program. These activities, offered in 35-minute blocks by heritage performers, focus on the history of cattle ranching. School programs include hands-on activities, demonstrations, interactive talks, sensory experiences and environmental hikes. Seasoned heritage performers demonstrate the chores one actually performed at the ranch (including leatherworking, blacksmithing, rope making, and handling cattle), while talking about the people who worked on the ranch. marked the cattle ranching industry and telling its story.
Whether it's roaming the ranch in a horse-drawn wagon, touring the assembly camp, exploring the forge and kitchen, or hiking the designated trails, students will experience an unparalleled aspect of their heritage while obtaining information on the important environment of large open pastures.