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8365 Needles Drive Whistler BC
Téléphone : (778) 839-4286
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Demande d'information

Votre nom *

Vous êtes

Un enseignant
Une direction d'école
Un éducateur de la petite enfance
Un parent
Un étudiant


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Année scolaire/Âge

Kindergarten to 8th grade

Niveau de langue

Français langue première
Immersion française
Français langue seconde

Matière scolaire (principale)

Éducation physique

Matières scolaires (secondaires)

Santé et préparation pour la vie

Matériel pédagogique

Vidéos de danse pour la salle de classe

Liens avec le programme d'études

- Program that develops physical literacy and fundamental motor skills
- Promotion of mental health
- Daily physical activity
- Responds to the framework program of Physical Education and Health - active participation.


The teaching staff must remain in the gymnasium during the dance workshops with the students.

Also, you provide the space, we provide the equipment and some high-energy learning fun!


September to June

Nombre de participants

Minimum: 20
Maximum: 80


1 day of active dance (4-6 dance sessions, 30-50min each, per day)




DANCEPL3Y is a high-energy physical activity program that “plays” with dance in a unique and innovative way. Your students will love learning simple moves inspired by a variety of styles - Hip Hop, Urban, Bollywood, Jazz, Funk, African, Folk Dance etc. You will see self-confidence, positive attitudes and a sense of community emerge in your school as your students discover their own positive, fun and unique style. 

A certified instructor will come to your school and engage up to 600 students a day to get active with dance. All of our school workshops include a DPA dance workshop for teachers

DANCEPL3Y was developed by an EPS educational consultant and dance educators. The program supports dance and physical education curricula including daily physical activity, fundamental movement skills, physical literacy, personal fitness, interpersonal skills, active participation, movement vocabulary dance and musicality.

DANCEPL3Y was chosen as “The Best Program” by over 15,000 students on Discovery Education Channel (2012- Warm-Up Challenge). Workshops have been presented at international education conferences including OPHEA, EPS Canada, AAHPERD, ACHPER (Australia) and Korea National Sport University

This is a program that helps create a positive school climate through an interactive teaching style and playful group formations, in addition to supporting positive mental health by encouraging each student to discover and dance in their “Bubble of Awesome”.


