Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame
169 Canada Olympic Rd SW, Calgary, AB T3B 6B7
Téléphone : 403-776-1059
Site Web
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The content of the program is aligned with the Alberta curriculum for students in grades 3 to 8.
Français langue seconde
Études sociales
Carrière et vie
Éducation physique
Études sociales
Études autochtones
Santé et préparation pour la vie
Les vidéos enregistrées sont accompagnées de feuilles de travail.
Links to the programs can be found HERE.
Access the course content HERE
One student is the minimum and there is no maximum.
45 minutes
The best part is that it's FREE, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and national champions.
The "Exploring Innovation" asynchronous virtual scavenger hunts are recorded activities that are fun and educational. They provide students with new perspectives on the innovations and adaptations that have transformed sports, making them an excellent choice for teachers looking for a dynamic and flexible activity that can be done in the classroom or at home. These curriculum-specific scavenger hunts are available in English and French for students in grades 3-8. The scavenger hunts are designed to be completed in almost an hour and include a virtual tour of our galleries and a series of questions to be answered on downloadable worksheets.
For more information, please visit the program website HERE.