2744 Boulevard Béliveau, Longueuil, QC J4M 1Y2
Phone : (514) 961-8043
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Preschool to Grade 5
French as a First Language
French immersion
French as a Second Language
Language learning based on oral and written comprehension skills as well as written production. All of our books include reading and listening comprehension as well as reading strategies (inference, narrative sequence, interpretation of illustrations, characteristics of places and characters) and writing (comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling). Opening towards mathematics (word games with additions, subtractions, divisions and multiplications according to age).
Our digital books are compatible for use on iPad or Mac/PC via Chrome, but not for ChromeBook nor Surface or Android tablets.
The books are available for purchase through the online store.
All our school licenses do not expire (no subscriptions requiring renewal) and the basic prixe is $44,95 (for a book with all the echnopedagocial equipement), but according to the number of titles, users, classes or schools, our prices decrease up to 40% off.
EDITIÖ's mission is to make children read and love to read! Our catalogue contains almost 100 titles (for 4-10 years) all available in print and interactive digital format (with narration, book integrated activities, self-correction, manipulations and vocabulary games: levelled by the target age of the Narrative).
Our offer is unique and takes into account the level of learning and vocabulary lists according to the level of education and the age of the reader. Our books are also accompanied by a technopedagogical kit.