In this category, you will find all the places that can be visited by schools that offer school programs and any exchange-trips that can be done with or without the school.
Edmonton and area
Grade 5 to 12
Grade 1 to 12
East (East Coulee)
Kindergarten to Grade 12
South (Banff)
10 years and older
Grade 8 to 12
South (Canmore)
Kindergarten to Grade 6
West (Jasper)
Preschool to Grade 12
Edmonton and area (Devon)
12 to 17 years old
Edmonton and area (St-Albert)
Grades 1 to 12
Grades 1 to 9
North (Girouxville)
All ages
Calgary and area
Kindergarten to Grade 9
Edmonton and area (Nord d'Edmtonton)
Grades 5 to 10
Calgary and area (Calgary)
3rd to 12th grade
South (Red Deer)
Grades 5 to 12
North (Lac La Biche)
Grade 10 to 12
Grade 7 to 12
Grades 7 to 12
Edmonton and area (Bon Accord)
Grade 6 to 12
(Rocky Mountain House)
Preschool to grade 12
2nd to 6th grade
Grade 6
Preschool to Grade 10
Elementary to High School
East (Bonnyville)
16 to 17 years old